Month: March 2015


It is no wonder that the census of the middle ages was not counting people but hearths. And it is no wonder that the great Celtic prayers of mystic-mothers so often referenced building the morning fire. She bent over the hearth with the heavy moss covering the hot coals of...


  Keeping lit the candle in the niche of our hearts can be hard.  The holes in the walls of our   interior lives can let in the fiercest of winds which threaten these gentle flames.  We see around us the devastation of envy, greed, betrayal, unkindness and we begin to...

meditation in our turrets

This castle made of clay was one I made for my sister in the 1990's.  It still sits in her garden by the front door and she seems to get pleasure from seeing it.  As I passed by it's fanciful turrets and imagined fairy doorways on a recent trip at...

meditation and suffering

  The hardest part of meditation for me is the phase in which I am praying for the world beyond my own.  What I mean by that is that when I am done praying for my loved ones and the people at church who need prayer, I need to extend...

blessing on the one who sits

  A blessing on one who sits When you light your candle and sit for prayer may you sense the millions of whom you become a part. When you sit and position for prayer or reflection or silence may your body pause with your mind, your mind with your soul,...

Our meditation is for the rest of us

The body does not have a soul. The soul enfolds the body in the larger expression of God's glory which surrounds all of us like the light around a candle in a dark room.  We are clay, we humans.  The potter forms us and we exist in those hands as...


These bees, which hover around these purple flowers in my backyard, remind me of how simple life is.  As these bees collect their pollen and nectar, they simply do what they were designed by nature to do.  What were we designed by nature to do?  That's the rub I think. ...

pink and purple and sin

Lent is  often a time in which we look at ourselves with a critical eye, much like The Dowager Countess Violet of Grantham looks at the wrong fork next to the wrong plate.  We sit down determined to find fault in ourselves; and so we do.  Funny that. But I...


The planet is so very beautiful.  These beetles show off a creator whose love of beauty and diversity is impossible to ignore.  The planet has some horrors in it to be sure, and some ugliness.  But there is so much beauty and an image like this reminds me of how...