the garden


When we gather as Christians, coming together to love on one another, we rub off on each other the way a bee leaves pollen from one flower on his or her hive-mates.  This process of pollen dusting in the hive contributes to the cross -pollination of the gardens into which the bees fly.  Our bee hives on the cathedral roof pollinate many of the Denver gardens from the balcony apartment window boxes to the botanical gardens beds.  Pollen dusts one plant to another as the bees wander from dusting each other in their hive to dusting the flowers like this one I found at the botanical gardens.

Our work together, trying to figure out our faith and our life is working in much the same way.  I read some Augustine.  Rob reads some Merton. Sally prays her rosaries while Jack prays and sways in a different prayer tradition. Simon prays by silent meditation. Todd reads the Book of Common Prayer. Jane reads the mystics. Harold reads and prays poems.  And as we gather, converse, pray together, talk together, share ideas together – we cross pollinate. And so the faith propagates.

If we could see the church more as a garden and less as a board room, we would enjoy it more.



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