Month: September 2015

God’s gift of things to eat

  One way to fight the dulldrums is to cook your favorite meal.  Here is mine.  It reminds me that God is generous simply for putting such lovely things on the planet. Chiang mai noodle Chiang Mai Noodle  or Khao Soi is delicious, cheap, easy and as close to comfort...


I love the courage comes from the work Coeur or heart in French.  Courage is to be strong-hearted.  “Creed” also comes from the latin of heart - “credo” and so it is not so much that we “believe” all that stuff as that we “put our hearts to it.”  And...

the next drop

I took this photo with my sister while we were on a walk recently.  She lends me courage.   My friend Tom Brackett taught me the phrase “lending courage” and I use the term often. We humans are so fragile.  Mostly water and some calcium. As a potter I spend a...

the shame storm and conversion

“The opposite of recognizing that we’re feeling something is denying our emotions. The opposite of being curious is disengaging. When we deny our stories and disengage from tough emotions, they don’t go away; instead, they own us, they define us. Our job is not to deny the story, but to...


It is hard to do a new thing.  What if I fail?  What if they don’t like it?  What if … The only thing of which we can be sure is that everything will change.  Is changing.  That’s a good thing when life gets hard.  But it is hard when...

what symbols are around YOUR feet?

LOVE.  CARE.  GIVE. These are the three words which comprise the Cathedral’s stewardship campaign to raise pledges - pledges which fund our mission in 2016. The three words betray their goal.  It is a spiritual goal. We are being called upon to look at our lives.  We are not being...


Throughout the church, clergy and leaders are beginning to raise money. Poor things. The campaign we are about to launch in our church will, like so many others,  fund the mission and ministry of our church. It is hard and it can be thankless- even dangerous in family systems. But...


These are the bees on our roof.  Bees work themselves to death.  That's how they die.  Well, that and in procreating with the Queen. The bee hive is an icon, really, to the way we are called to live by Jesus which is why the Mormon faith chose it as...

Love. Care. Give.

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” These words from the Book of James will be read next Sunday as we launch the stewardship campaign.  We will celebrate, inexpensively- delightfully with croissants - hot, freshly-baked croissants.  The campaign theme is short and easy to remember: Love....


Today is my sabbath day.  I suppose I could call it a day off were I not so pathologically unique.  But calling it a sabbath day reminds me that a day of rest is a commandment an not an employee benefit.  I have tow friends who work shifts in factories...