Month: April 2017

God – trying to communicate

As I get older, I have an increased compassion for God. No longer a “He” and no longer an “old man” on a throne with my file on his lap, cranky, disappointed, gassy and vaguely aware of me but having forgotten my name. God is no longer even “God” to...

The road to everywhere

When Jesus walks with his new friends on the Road to Emmaus, he simply comes along-side them for a while. They tell stories. Jesus opens scriptures and they tell Him their sad story of the events of their last few days. That is what we should do now, in these...

A new Easter Week Triduum

We work so hard at getting the agony right and then the ecstasy stands waiting in our exhaustion like a puppy with a new bone in a house full of hungover liturgists. Why do we spend so much time and energy on a week of suffering and then collapse into...

Please, I need your help

Friends, my name if Charles LaFond and I am the writer of "The Daily Sip," a blog of what I call "domestic spirituality." I am writing to ask a favor from you.  Do you have a memory of a "daily Sip" which impacted you?  Are there one or two you...

Fluent in Thunder – A Holy Week Poem

Nature. She has Her languages too, in which we are not always fluent. Lest we understand her cries for mercy. It is hard to imagine what She felt that week. She quietly covers the planet in green, brown, blue and every color of the rainbow-reminder. She waves as wheat. She...