Month: July 2019

To Delight (verb)

Kai emerges with delight after a swim in Useless bay. The thirteenth-century word “delight” comes from its Latin root, “delectare” which not only refers to pleasure and to that which brings pleasure, but also to arousal, seduction, and allure.  Delight is not just a clown or a Santa Clause…it can...


Sorting things When we breathe, we inhale and then we exhale.  For those of us whose childhoods were particularly difficult or who have survived trauma, the breath is shallow, tentative, furtive, and so, rather more frequent. For most people however the breath is deep and subconscious.  In - belly swells. ...

Pathways in rainforests

So many tomes have been written about the Dark Night of the Soul.  Indeed the title of the great mystic was mistranslated.  The original translation was “the obscured night of the soul.” The word “dark” gets a bad rap. “Dark woods” are frightening.  “Dark Knight” is a medieval bad guy. “Dark thoughts” are...