Month: August 2014

The Daily Sip will resume in September

Friends, The Daily Sip will be taking a short break and will resume in September. Thanks for your support and readership! Charles' brain is getting a much needed break for the next month. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Geurin at 303.577.7721 or by email at

a shroud unveiled

  Today is the eve of a sacred feast day.  Tomorrow is the feast of the transfiguration. When I was a monk, I loved this day for its "first evensong" which is the term used for the evening prayer service before a feast day.  It is called first because a...


  One of the side benefits of being hit head-on by a street train in Prague is that ICU wipes out one's caffeine addiction by inducing withdrawal and complete abstinence. Its a huge bummer. I asked the nurses for Ibuprofen for a headache and she smiled.  I asked why and...

Arrive Home

We have these times in our lives in which things simply shift.  Plans, carefully made, with to-do lists and intricate formula for setting up a particular experience of life - a trip, a marriage, a house renovation, a career, a day or weekend event - even just a ride up...