Month: July 2016

Sabbath and self-worship

  This is an image from Prague.  I took the photo walking from my home, into the city the day I was hit by a train.  I remember, now, how hard I was working to see Prague - how hard I was working to see every museum, every park, every...

honey, venom and community

  A stained glass window from The National Cathedral honoring bees.   The five bee hives on our cathedral are sometimes a lovely set of colonies on our roof, sometimes a political bouncing ball, sometimes a tool for power and control but always a source of rich, dark yellow honey....

editing beauty

Summer seems like an inhale while the fall seems more like an exhale.  There are so many choices, like a mass of beautiful bugs swirling around us, presenting with stunning colors.  Our commitments are so lovely, all. The push of the “academic” or “program” year in our country is quite...